
How to add a signature in word 2011
How to add a signature in word 2011

Click on ‘b’ to activate your brush tool. Step 4: Now to save the brush so you can use it whenever you like. This is what the layer will look like in your layers palette: If your font is too small, highlight it and go to the Type option bar (where you changed your font) and change the size. Step 3: Type on the background, whatever you want your watermark to say. For this watermark I used Aquarelle from. If you do not like the fonts available to you, go download free or purchased ones and load them to your main fonts folder (follow the instructions given by the place you download). I have two types of watermarks, a script (fancy) and a plain (don’t know the technical word for that one, maybe block? I don’t know). Then change the font to whatever you want.

how to add a signature in word 2011

Step 2: Activate the Type tool by clicking ‘t’ on your keyboard, or clicking the T in the toolbar. You want transparent so that when you use the brush, you only see the text. Make sure that the background is transparent, not black or white or another color. 2000 or 1500 pixels would work too, but I just stick with 2500. If you make it too small then if you do want to put it on a full size image, you will either have a watermark that is too small or you will have to enlarge it and the text will look grainy and not good. Why so wide? Well, it is easier to size your brush down than it is to size it up. Step 1: Create a new file by going to File, New and then make the size 2500 pixels wide and like 300 pixels high. Doing this is super simple and you do not need to pay someone big money to create a custom logo to watermark your pictures.

how to add a signature in word 2011 how to add a signature in word 2011

Regardless of your status as amateur or professional photography, regardless of the type of camera you have, point and shoot or DSLR, if you are sharing images on the Internet, you should watermark them.Really.

How to add a signature in word 2011